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Let's launch a generation of diverse talent into tech careers together!

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Opportunities for Industry Partners

Host a team of Sprinterns™

Teams of Sprinterns™ are placed in your company for 3-week, paid micro-internships — critical experiences to have on their resumes and giving you access to early tech talent!

What you’ll do:

  • Develop a three-week technical challenge project for a team of five Sprinterns
  • Develop networking or mentorship programming to teach our students about your company
  • Stay in touch — many of our Sprinterns go on to intern or work for their former host organizations!

Submit an AI Studio Project Challenge

Propose a machine learning project and volunteer advisors from your company to explore solutions to real world challenges and bring fresh perspectives to your organization. Your challenge project and volunteers will help students learn in real time and build their portfolio to propel their careers in tech. 

What you’ll do:

  • Propose a project (whether real or hypothetical) to help solve a challenge that can be solved with machine learning and data science solutions.
  • Appoint a volunteer to help guide students who will meet with them virtually once per month from September to December.
  • Schedule and host a meeting in December for the students to present their solution to your challenge project.

Check out some examples of some of the challenge projects our students have worked on in the past HERE.

Mentor our AI students

Are you interested in mentoring diverse students who are pursuing careers in data science, machine learning, or AI?

Our mentors are technical professionals who help facilitate a cohort-based, career development curriculum for our AI Program students. This helps them develop their portfolios, cultivate their social capital and grow their professional networks.  

What you’ll do:

  • Facilitate curriculum-based mentorship program to a small group of 4-5 students
  • Complete 8 meetings over 8 months from August to April
  • Complete some offline review and feedback of student portfolio artifacts

To become a mentor and join our 100+ Mentor Community fill out this interest form

Hire our students

With an impressive track record of nearly 80% of our students landing a full time job or paid summer internship, the transformative impact of our program is undeniable. Break Through Tech graduates represent a highly motivated talent pipeline for your organization. They have been equipped with: 

  1. Technical skills training
  2. Experiential learning working alongside industry to solve a real business challenge.
  3. Professional readiness training including mentorship.
  4. Career services such as leadership coaching and placement support.

We invite you to interview our students for open internship or full-time positions across the country.

Fund our programs

Our innovations are made possible by the support of generous funders. Consider making a donation because: 

  • The gender gap remains stubbornly wide: As of 2022, only 28% of computer scientists are women
  • AI is the next “make or break moment” with generative AI expected to unleash the next wave of productivity impacting nearly every job function.
  • Our first line of defense on issues of fairness and bias in Artificial Intelligence is the diversity of the people that are in the room building the technology and asking the hard questions
Make a gift here


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