AI Studio Graduation

On Sunday, April 21st at the New York Botanical Garden, we celebrated students in the New York City area who completed our AI Program. Closing celebrations also took place in Boston, Los Angeles, and online for participants in the virtual program.


On Sunday, April 21st and in partnership with the New York Botanical Garden, we celebrated students in the New York City area who completed our Break Through Tech AI Program. Closing celebrations also took place in Boston, Los Angeles, and online for participants in the virtual program.

In total, over 350 students from across the US representing over 100 colleges achieved the following milestones:

  1. Earned a certificate for completing a hands-on 9-week “Machine Learning Foundations” course from eCornell, delivered by expert faculty.
  2. Enhanced their professional portfolio by completing a semester-long machine learning Challenge Project presented by one of our industry partners.
  3. Competed in a Kaggle competition presented by the New York Botanical Garden, which challenged them to use machine learning to classify plant specimen images to help advance biodiversity research across the globe.
  4. Developed leadership skills for career success with industry mentorship.

We are enormously proud of our students, who are now ready to secure a summer internship or a full-time job in the high-demand area of AI. Listen to their first hand experiences in this short video.

The impact of our AI Program extends far beyond the classroom. By working on real-world projects, our students have gained invaluable experience and insights into the practical applications of machine learning. These projects not only enhance their technical skills but also empower them to make meaningful contributions to important fields such as biodiversity research. The Kaggle competition, in particular, provided a unique platform for students to apply their knowledge to a pressing global challenge, demonstrating the potential of AI to drive positive change.

Furthermore, the professional development opportunities offered through industry mentorship have equipped our students with the leadership and communication skills necessary for career success. Engaging with professionals from leading companies has given them a deeper understanding of the industry’s expectations and standards, positioning them as strong candidates for future employment. As they embark on their careers, we are confident that our graduates will continue to innovate and lead in the field of AI, contributing to advancements that benefit society as a whole.

Thank you to the New York Botanical Garden and the industry partners who have hired the most students so far: Accenture, Justworks, J.P. Morgan, Citi, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.